University of Oregon College of Education students in classroom

Educational Foundations Program

Why major in Educational Foundations?

The Educational Foundations (EdF) program is for undergraduates who are committed to social change and are pursuing a future in elementary education or related fields.

This major prepares aspiring future professionals in education and related fields to be critical thinkers, well informed about theory and practice, and to possess the knowledge and skills that will enable them to be change agents in economically, racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse communities.

To become an elementary teacher, you should begin your undergraduate study as an Educational Foundations major. You will then be qualified to apply for a graduate degree and licensure program such as UOTeach.

The many strengths of the Educations Foundation (EdF) major include diverse field placements, opportunities to assist faculty with research, and a variety of other enriching experiences that are an integral part of the curriculum.

If you aspire to be a future middle or high school teacher, you should major as an undergraduate in the content area you wish to teach, explore the Secondary Educational Foundations Minor, and then pursue graduate studies and licensure in a program such as UOTeach.   

Degree Options

Become an Elementary Teacher

The Educational Foundations program prepares undergraduate students for admission into master’s-level elementary teacher licensure programs, such as UOTeach, or other Graduate School programs.

The Educational Foundations major does not result in a teaching license. Students graduate with either a bachelor of arts (BA) or a bachelor of science (BS) degree.

  • The bachelor of arts (BA) degree requires two years of university-level course work in a second language.
  • The bachelor of science (BS) degree requires successful completion of MATH 211, 212, and 213. 

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Become a Middle or High School Teacher

If you are planning to pursue a career as a middle or high school teacher, you should complete the Secondary Educational Foundations Minor Program while majoring in the subject area you want to teach.

You will then need to enroll in a graduate teacher education program like UOTeach that will result in a teaching license in your endorsed content area and a master’s degree.

Secondary EdF Minor

What can I do with an Education Foundations degree?

Both the undergraduate major and certificate programs in Educational Foundations prepare graduates who are highly competitive for admission into master’s level teacher certification programs including our own programs:

Most common careers pursued by Educational Foundations graduates:

  • Teachers
  • School counselors
  • Social workers
  • Human services jobs
  • Business and non-profit supervisors