Course Offering Per Term | Course Registration | Contact

The core graduate education research methodology courses serve all graduate students in the COE and provide core content in methodology and statistics to both masters and doctoral level students. Your academic program may offer more specific methodology courses that follow or accompany your EDUC sequence.
The sequence begins with a broad overview of research methodologies, including the four major methodologies used in the COE: quantitative, qualitative, single subject, and program evaluation methods. Students earning a terminal Master’s degree are generally counseled into EDUC 611, while students who intend to pursue or are pursuing a PhD take EDUC 612. Some programs also require that PhD students take EDUC 616, which covers the epistemologies behind the major methodologies. Check with your Program Director and Academic Advisor to see if this course is required of you.
Each of the four major methodologies at the COE has its own course sequence. While Master’s students typically take one or two courses in a single sequence, PhD students take four or five courses in a primary methodology and one or two courses in a secondary methodology for a total of six methods courses. Note that some PhD programs may have a specific waiver for fewer courses and that some courses from other departments can sometimes serve as substitutes for EDUC methodology courses; always check with your Program Director and Academic Advisor to be certain. The PhD primary method can be in quantitative, qualitative, or single subject methods, and the secondary method can be any of these or program evaluation. The course sequence within each method is generally linear, with each higher-numbered course having a lower-numbered course as a pre-requisite.
The quantitative sequence is unique in that it has two branches: one for consumers of research (i.e., Master’s students pursuing a terminal degree) and the other for producers of research (i.e., PhD and some Master’s students). The consumer branch consists of one prerequisite course and one quantitative methods course. Courses in the producer branch are required for taking more advanced courses offered in the COE by the Quantitative Research Methods in Education and Prevention Science programs. When in doubt as to which branch to take, consult with your Program Director and Academic Advisor to be certain.
Introductory research methodology course options
EDUC 611 Survey of Educational Research Methods
EDUC 612 Social Science and Education Research Design
EDUC 616 Philosophical Foundations of Social Science
Qualitative methods course sequence
EDUC 630 Qualitative Methodology I: Interpretivist Inquiry
EDUC 632 Qualitative Methodology II: Postcritical Inquiry
EDUC 634 Qualitative Methodology III: Posthumanist Inquiry
EDUC 636 Advanced Qualitative Methodology: New Materialisms
Consumer-oriented quantitative course sequence
EDUC 614 Educational Statistics
EDUC 640 Applied Statistical Design and Analysis
Producer-oriented quantitative course sequence
EDUC 641 Applied Statistics in Education and Human Services I
EDUC 643 Applied Statistics in Education and Human Services II
EDUC 645 Applied Statistics in Education and Human Services III
offered as EDUC 610L App Stats Ed HS III in Spring 2024
EDUC 646 Advanced Research Design
Single subjects course sequence
EDUC 650 Single Subject Research Methods I
EDUC 652 Single Subject Research Methods II
EDUC 654 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
EDUC 656 Advanced Analysis of Single-Case Research
Program evaluation sequence
EDUC 621 Program Evaluation II
Standalone qualitative methods course
EDUC 615 Qualitative Data and Coding Methods is a standalone course for students seeking basic knowledge to help them in understanding and conducting basic qualitative analyses. This course does *not* serve as part of the qualitative methods course sequence. Students seeking to take advanced coursework in qualitative research methods are advised to instead begin with the qualitative sequence beginning with EDUC 630 Qualitative Methodology I: Interpretivist Inquiry.
Course Offerings Per Term
Fall Term Courses
course and Title |
EDUC 616 Philosophical Foundations of Social Science (Offered in odd numbered years) |
EDUC 620 Program Evaluation I* (Restricted to distance programs) |
EDUC 634 Qualitative Methodology III: Post Humanist Inquiry (Offered in even numbered years) |
EDUC 641 Applied Statistics in Education and Human Services I |
EDUC 654 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis (Offered in odd numbered years) |
Winter Term Courses
Course and Title |
EDUC 615 Qualitative Data and Coding* (Restricted to distance programs) |
EDUC 620 Program Evaluation I (Offered in odd numbered years) |
EDUC 621 Program Evaluation II* (Restricted to distance programs) |
EDUC 636 Advanced Qualitative Methodology: New Materialisms (Offered in odd numbered years) |
EDUC 643 Applied Statistics in Education and Human Services II |
Spring Term Courses
course and Title |
EDUC 632 Qualitative Methodology II: Interpretivist Inquiry (Offered in even numbered years) |
EDUC 610L/645 Applied Statistics in Education and Human Services III |
EDUC 646 Advanced Research Design (Offered in Spring 2024; then in odd numbered years) |
EDUC 652 Single-Subject Research Methods II (Offered in even numbered years) |
EDUC 656 Advanced Analysis of Single-Case Research (Offered in odd numbered years) |
EDUC 621 Program Evaluation II (Offered in odd numbered years) |
Summer Term Courses
Course and Title |
Unless otherwise noted, courses are offered annually.
*These are synchronous online sections designed to serve the scheduling needs of the distance programs. Enrollment is restricted to these programs.
Course Registration
- All COE graduate students have automatic enrollment approval.
- Non-COE graduate students looking to register for EDUC courses should email the course faculty directly. Once approved, email your pre-authorization request to Be sure to include faculty approval, your UO email and ID#, and the course CRN. Once you have pre-authorization, go to Duckweb to register for the EDUC course
The director of EDUC is George Harrison,
Academic Program Coordinator, Nathan Guy,, EDUC and Educational Leadership Licensure Programs, 541-346-1407