Influential Research
We are the highest-ranked academic unit at the University of Oregon, due largely to a decades-long record of national and international research and development in special education, counseling psychology, educational leadership, and school psychology. Our research culture is unique and highly influential because our faculty have a long tradition of translating research into effective models, methods, and measures that improve lives.
We have 49 commercial education products on the market right now. These innovations have an enduring impact in Oregon and across the nation.
Changing the World
Meet Rhonda Nese, PhD, Associate Professor, Principal Investigator
Rhonda Nese, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences and a principal investigator within Educational and Community Supports, a research unit housed in the College of Education. Nese is an academic expert in alternatives to exclusionary discipline and other strategies for disrupting the school to prison pipeline. Her research involves equitable intervention delivery within a multi-tiered behavior support framework focused on preventative strategies for improving student outcomes.
Nese is the recipient of the 2022 Presidential Equity Award from the NorthWest PBIS Network and the 2022 Outstanding Early Career Award from the University of Oregon, the UO’s highest award for early career faculty to recognize and celebrate an emerging and significant record of scholarship and research.

Equipped to Succeed

Vastly Experienced Leadership Team
I am inspired by this incredible College of Education leadership team and humbled to be a part of this dedicated community of education difference makers!
Sapsik'ʷałá Teacher Education Program
Sapsik'ʷałá, a Ichishkíin/Sahaptin word meaning "teacher", is the name of a program created by the University of Oregon College of Education in partnership with the nine federally recognized Tribes of the State of Oregon. The 12-month program allows participants to earn a master of education (MEd) degree and teacher licensure.
The Sapsik'ʷałá Teacher Education Program supports American Indian and Alaska Native teacher candidates in becoming professional educators, provides funding for teacher candidates' cost of attendance, and provides two years of support services once in the field.

Faculty Support Students to Graduation and Beyond
Our students are smart, creative, and increasingly diverse. Our faculty and staff support and celebrate their successes. With over 26,321 College of Education alumni to date, we work hard to provide inspiring educational opportunities in the classroom and beyond.
Public spaces at the College of Education, including the Learning Commons, offer many opportunities for collaboration and serendipitous learning supporting a highly interactive, flexible, and accessible learning environment.
Nestled in the lush Willamette Valley, with an easy drive to both the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, the University of Oregon is renowned for its research prowess and commitment to teaching. Our students are smart, creative, and increasingly diverse. Ducks are everywhere.
Eugene is a diverse and eclectic city located in the southern end of the Willamette Valley between two buttes and the Willamette River. Eugene takes pride in being a college town where the cost of living compares favorably to many schools in larger cities and where the arts and outdoors are highly valued.
Art in the College of Education Complex
The Percent for Art legislation, passed in 1975, guides the acquisition of Oregon’s State Art Collection, which includes more than 2,500 original art works. Oregon was one of the first states in the nation to pass Percent for Art legislation, placing works of art in public spaces throughout the state. Our college is honored to display some of the original art pieces.