
UO grads with the duck

College of Education Commencement


The College of Education Commencement Ceremony will be held Monday, June 16, 2025, 1:00 p.m. The ceremony will be livestreamed and broadcast via YouTube. 

Class of '25 Graduation Checklist

2025 grads, make sure you complete all the steps below to receive your degree and participate in the commencement ceremony.

Do this as soon as possible.

#1. Apply for your degree.

Applying for your degree is different than opting in to participate in commencement. (See #2 below for more information.) Anyone who graduates during 2025 can participate in this year’s ceremony, but make sure to signify the term you are actually graduating (winter, spring, summer, or fall) in your degree application.

  • Graduate students should apply for their degree using GradWeb by April 11, 2025. If you missed the application date, please speak to an advisor immediately.
  • Undergraduates must apply for a Spring 2025 degree by  April 27, 2025 via DuckWeb. If you missed the application date, please speak to an advisor immediately.
Do these next.

#2. The RSVP for the College of Education Ceremony is open now.

Make sure your name is in our program the way you want it to appear when the file is available to review. This is required in addition to #1 above.

#3. Purchase or rent your regalia (cap, gown, tassel, stole, cords).

The Duck Store is your one-stop-shop for all commencement gear. Undergrads can purchase caps and gowns any time before Commencement, but beware that they may run out of your size if you wait too long. PhD tams and gowns are custom-made, so you must order them ahead of time.

Packages are available online starting March 1. The Duck Store in-person Grad Fair will be April 7-9, 2025 where you can order directly from vendors like Elite Frames, Josten’s (announcements, class rings) and the UOAA. 

Duck Store Graduation Packages

Do this on Graduation Day, Monday, June 16, 2025

#4. Check in at Knight Library South Lawn (Southwest Campus Green Library): June 16, 12:30 p.m.

Go to the Knight Library South Lawn by 12:00 p.m. on graduation day in your regalia. Then go to the check-in table inside that’s aligned with the first letter of your last name. Give our volunteers your name to get your name card, which you will hand to staff before you walk across the stage. Commencement volunteers will direct you to the staging area beginning at 12:30 p.m. The ceremony will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m.

Have questions? Give us a call: 541-346-3405

UO Duck congratulations to graduates

UO Commencement Ceremony

The University of Oregon is delighted to announce the 149th commencement ceremony will be held on Monday, June 16, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. PT at Autzen Stadium. The COE ceremony, separate from the main ceremony, will follow, where graduates will receive individual recognition.


COE 2025 Commencement Ceremony Details



Professional photographers will be in attendance at the College of Education commencement ceremony. Photographs will be available for purchase following the event. Bookmark this link to GradImages website.


Students, faculty, and staff may park in their regular spots as denoted by their permit. All others planning to attend commencement must park at the Autzen Stadium parking lot where you will be shuttled to the ceremony.


Can’t make it? The College of Education commencement ceremony will be livestreamed on Youtube. 

Link coming soon to view the COE Ceremony Livestream.


Accessibility Information:

For the College of Education Departmental Ceremony: accessible seating will be located underneath a tented area on the South Lawn behind Knight Library and should be easy to find on the field. We will have information tables at each corner of the field if you have questions. As this seating is limited, we request that the person needing accommodation sit there with only one other member of their family; remaining party members should sit in the ample seating available on the lawn. The chairs are the same as those that are under the tent. All accessible seating is on a first-come, first-served basis; we do not take reservations for these seats.

ADA parking will be in lot 37, as well as the 13th Ave. garage. There will be golf carts stationed in lot 37 to help with ADA shuttle needs. Guests can approach and ask for shuttle service to the south lawn site. The accessible shuttle will also run that day.  

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Fortin at

 College of Education Alumni Spotlights

Jenny Wu

Jenny Wu, '20 the College of Education’s new Data Analyst and proud alumna!

Meet Jenny Wu who returned to the COE after graduating in 2020 with her master’s in educational leadership. Wu originally chose UO for its reputation for educational programs. Her favorite part of her student experience here was getting to know people from diverse cultures, immersing herself in pursuing academic success, and enjoying the natural beauty of the state.

Josh Gotlib

Josh Gotlib, MS, LPC, CADC III, a double duck ’17 & '19

Meet Josh Gotlib, MS, LPC, CADC III, a double duck whose drive to help others led him to opening two businesses to serve his community. Josh’s experience in the Family and Human Services program laid the foundation for his journey. He fondly recalls the supportive environment fostered by faculty and peers. 

Doctoral student Karen Zyskind and Marisa Macy

The Power of Mentorship for double duck Karen Zyskind, PhD, '00 & '04

Meet Marisa Macy, “Double Duck” (MS Special Education ’00, PhD Special Education ’04) and John P. Ellbogen Foundation Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Wyoming, is a UO alumna who believes in paying it forward. 

College of Education graduate parade

Graduation Etiquette

We know it’s an exciting day, but we expect our graduates to maintain reasonable and appropriate behavior at all times during the ceremony to ensure it is enjoyable for all participants, family members, guests, and staff. Once you have crossed the stage and received your diploma cover we ask that you return to your seat while the remaining students cross the stage. Students need to remain for the entire ceremony.

We kindly request that all graduates limit their consumption of alcohol and other substances prior to the ceremony. Graduates who arrive under the influence may be refused the opportunity to participate, and the staffs of Autzen Stadium and the COE reserve the right to relocate or remove anyone who is creating a disturbance.

The College of Education Ceremony recognizes Doctoral Students first, then all other degrees and programs by department. 

Remember to please be courteous and return to your seat once you’ve crossed the stage and to please remain seated until all students have crossed the stage and the ceremony comes to an end.

Thank you to all of our graduates, participants, family members, guests, and staff who we know will make this a wonderful day for all. 

Three UO COE graduates holding diplomas


When you become a UOAA life member, you join a worldwide network of more than 20,000 alumni members who will fly with you on your journey.

Membership ensures you stay connected to the UO and that all alumni are heard and supported. For recent grads, our Duck Career Network can help you land that first job, network with alumni in your field, and give you advice to help you succeed. Plus, we have other great benefits, including early access to football and basketball tickets; member-only events; and access to Nike and Columbia employee stores.

Together, members advocate for the UO, promote excellence, and help the UO support the best and brightest students through scholarships. If you love your Ducks, you’ll love your membership in the UOAA!


student and faculty member on graduation day
students and faculty membesr on graduation day
students on graduation day


Share your commencement memories with us on social media using #DuckGrad25!