Quick Links for College of Education Faculty and Staff
Updated February 6, 2023
COE Faculty and Staff Resources
Visitors will find a guide to all current policies, procedures, and administrative structure information for the University of Oregon College of Education (COE).
Faculty Fund Awards
The College of Education’s Faculty Fund Awards provide financial support for the innovative ideas that contribute to the early career development of our faculty members. Funding is meant to catalyze projects and help faculty members achieve sustainability.
Reporting – Faculty and Staff
Filing complaints, concerns, and reports in the College of Education: While we sincerely hope that as a member of the COE community, your experience is wholly positive, we realize that there are sometimes complicated situations that would benefit from you reaching out to an expert or consultant to share your concern.
Faculty Handbook
The University of Oregon Faculty Handbook is a compendium of issues relating to working conditions for faculty with appropriate resources and links to relevant information. The Faculty Handbook does not, itself, constitute university policy, and its contents are not grievable. Instead, it is meant to serve as a resource for the benefit of all university employees and for ease of reference.