The MS degree in Couples and Family Therapy includes some of the CFT courses listed below. In addition to counseling psychology courses, you will take a variety of courses from other programs: Counseling Psychology, EDUC, and School Psychology. The CFT Program Progression can found in under MS Requirements and you can consult the UO Class Schedule to learn when these courses are offered, and register.
CFT 401 Research: [Topic]
1–5 Credits
CFT 407 Seminar: [Topic]
1–5 Credits
CFT 410 Experimental Course: [Topic]
1–5 Credits
CFT 503 Thesis
1–16 Credits
CFT 507 Seminar: [Topic]
1–5 Credits
CFT 510 Experimental Course: [Topic]
1-5 Credits
CFT 601 Research: [Topic]
1–16 Credits
A current topic is methods
CFT 605 Reading and Conference: [Topic]
1–16 Credits
CFT 606 Field Studies or Practicum: [Topic]
1–16 Credits
CFT 607 Seminar: [Topic]
1–5 Credits
CFT 608 Workshop: [Topic]
1–16 Credits
CFT 610 Experimental Course: [Topic]
1–5 Credits
CFT 612 Parenting Interventions
3 Credits
Examines evidence-based practices for parenting children and adolescents, including trauma-focused parenting strategies.
CFT 615 Introduction to Marriage Family Therapy
3 Credits
Surveys the distinct disciplines of marriage and family therapy.
CFT 616 Systems Theory Foundations
3 Credits
Surveys macro theories and their relationship to families and family therapy with emphasis on systems, communications, and ecological theories.
CFT 620 Mental Health and Diagnosis
3 Credits
Study of maladaptive behavior, treatment, and prevention emphasizing the integrative contributions of biological, behavior, cognitive, psychodynamic, humanist-existential, and community perspectives, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
CFT 625 Violence, Trauma, and Healing
4 Credits
Theories and research on the acceleration and cessation of violence in the family and assessment of responses to violent family behaviors and to perpetrators, survivors, and families.
CFT 626 Relational Sex Therapy
3 Credits
Contemporary examination of human sexuality in relational context covering sexual development, sexual expression, and assessment and treatment protocol for sexual difficulties in intimate relationships increases understanding and clinical abilities for working with couples; special emphasis on the role of intimacy and sexual relationships.
CFT 628 Addiction and Recovery
4 Credits
Increases the conceptual understanding and skills of family therapists working with contemporary issues; emphasis on addictions and addiction recovery.
CFT 629 Intimate Partner Therapy
4 Credits
Application of systems theory to problems within relationships and their resolution. Includes research findings, assessment, motivation, change, content and process, ethics, and social-macro considerations.
CFT 640 Practicum, Beginning
3 Credits
Development of clinical micro skills, intake procedures, clinical interviewing, and client documentation.
Courses taught by other programs
CPSY 611 Counseling Skills
2-3 Credits
Emphasizes experiential learning of a broad range of communication skills needed to form effective helping relationships. Covers client intake procedures and interviewing strategies. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite for nonmajors; instructor's consent.
CPSY 612 Professional Ethics
3 Credits
Ethical and legal concerns in the professional practice of psychology. Ethical theory and decision-making processes; legal aspects of client-psychologist relationships.
CPSY 614 Theories of Counseling
3 Credits
Overview of selected historical and current counseling theories.
CPSY 615 Counseling Diverse Populations
3 Credits
Influence of gender, race, ethnicity, and other factors related to diverse populations on the identity-formation process in contemporary society. Applications to counseling psychology
CPSY 617 Theories of Career Development
3 Credits
Addresses life-span career development including issues, concepts, and definitions; theories of career development and choice; intervention in strategies; and career resources in the context of a multicultural society.
CPSY 618 Group Dynamics and Counseling
3 Credits
Presents basic elements of general group counseling theory and group dynamics; includes introduction to group-based interventions, guidelines for multicultural practice, ethical and professional issues in group practice, and group leadership.
EDUC 611 Survey of Educational Research Methods
3 Credits
Survey of qualitative, quantitative, and single-subject research methods. Students develop competence in using published research to inform decision making in various settings.
EDUC 612 Social Science and Education Research Design
3 Credits
Overview of qualitative, quantitative, and single-subject research methods. Emphasis on introducing students to considerations, issues, and techniques of social science research design.
SPSY 650 Developmental Psychopathology
4 Credits
Overview of developmental psychopathology, with emphasis on childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. Covers phenomenology, etiology, development, classification systems, and prognosis of major psychological disorders.