Jane Squires
Improving the outcomes of young children with developmental concerns has been at the core of Dr. Squires’ professional career. First, as a preschool special education teacher and elementary reading specialist, and then as a professor, Dr. Squires has focused on early identification and intervention for diverse young children with, and at-risk for disabilities and their families. Throughout her 30-year career at the Center on Human Development and the Early Intervention Program at the University of Oregon, she has developed and conducted research on assessments and intervention tools to assist in optimizing children’s developmental outcomes and well-being. These tools now reach literally around the world and put caregivers and parents at the heart of conducting assessments and leading interventions with their young children. As Principal Investigator on numerous research and demonstration grants, she has excelled in expertise pertinent to developing and evaluating effective developmental and social emotional assessments and intervention systems, program evaluation, teaming and interdisciplinary collaboration, and systems implementation.
Professor Squires’ work on the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, and Social Emotional Assessment Measure (SEAM) are her signature accomplishments, with the ASQ being the most widely used assessment in the world today. These tools have been translated into nearly 100 languages and are used in screening and early intervention systems literally throughout the world. In addition to these tools, she has published more than 100 scientific journal articles, 10 book chapters, and four books. Grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences and Office of Special Education Program; Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families; several foundations and state health departments have funded this work.
Dr. Squires has taught master’s and doctoral students and directed the master’s and doctoral programs in the Early Intervention/Special Education area. Students and mentoring have been her joy and great legacy. To date, Professor Squires has graduated 36 doctoral students and served as committee member on 10 additional committees and as outside member for 19 students. She has advised 315 master’s students and conducted 12 faculty tenure reviews, as well as informally advised doctoral students in 12 additional countries.
Dr. Squires has served on numerous University of Oregon Committees and Councils over 30 years, as well as on national boards such as for the Division of Early Childhood, Council of Exceptional Children; American Academy of Pediatrics; Centers for Disease Control, Expert Milestone Work Group; and Help Me Grow Pediatricians Supporting Parents. She has also served on 6 editorial boards for professional journals in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education and conducted guest reviews for 25 additional journals in pediatrics, nursing, health, speech and language, human development, and special education.
Ph.D., 1985, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR,
Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education
M.S., 1973, Marianne Frostig Center/Mt. St. Mary’s College
Learning Disabilities/Special Education
B.A., 1971, Stanford University
English/Psychology, Graduated With Distinction
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Early Intervention, 2018
Mary McEvoy Service to the Field, Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children, 2017
White House Summit on Early Learning, 2014
Oregon Governor’s Advisory Committee on Preventing School Violence, 2014
Research Innovation Award, University of Oregon, 2008
Excellence in Clinical Medical Research, Sacred Heart Medical Center, 2007
Community Recognition Award, Project FEAT, Lane County Commission on Children and Families, 2007
Squires, J. & Bricker, D. (in press), Ages & Stages Questionnaires, 4th Edition, Baltimore, MD. Brookes Publishing
Squires, J., & Bricker, D., (2021). Screening for social determinants of health: The Environmental Screening Questionnaire. International Forum of Special Education and Child Development, Vol 2, 1-11. http://www.ifspecd.info/
Attell, J., Bertolli, J., Squires, J., Krishna, N., Satterfield-Nash, A., Peacock, G., Pereira, I., Faria, A., Santelli, S., & Smith, C. (2020). Adapting the Ages and Stages Questionnaires to identify and quantify development among children with evidence of Zika infection. Infants & Young Children, 33(2), 95-107.
Chen, C., Squires, J. & Scalise, K., (2020). Evaluating the dimensionality and psychometric properties of a social-emotional instrument for young children. Infants & Young Children. 33(2), 142-159.
Bricker, D., & Squires, J., (2020). Early developmental/behavioral screening assessment: A global perspective. International Forum of Special Education and Child Development Vol. 1., 1-17. http://www.ifspecd.info/
Frantz, R., Hansen, S., Erturk, B., Machalicek, W., Squires, J., Raulston, T. (2019). Play to learn language: Coaching paraprofessionals to implement naturalistic behavioral teaching strategies in the preschool classroom. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Vol 124, 6, 497-510.
Barger, B., Squires, J., Greer, M., Noyes-Grosser, D., et al., (2019). State variability in diagnosed conditions for IDEA Part C eligibility. Infants & Young Children, 32(4):231-244.
Xie, H., Bian, X. Chen C., Squires, J., & Lu, P. (2019). Examining the convergent evidence of a parent-completed social-emotional screening tool in China. Journal of Child and Family Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-01362-3.
Dolata, J, Sanford-Kelle, H., & Squires, J. (2019). Modifying a general social-emotional measure for early autism screening. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1080/20473869.2019.1577024.
Anunciacao, L, Squires, J., Clifford, J., & Landeira-Fernandez, J., (2019). Confirmatory analysis and normative tables for the Brazilian Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional. Child Care Health Development. DOI: 10.1111/cch.12649.
Stegenga, S. M., Munger, K., Squires, J., & Anderson, D. (2018, September 14). A mixed methods systematic scoping review of the use of big data in early intervention research: Ethical and practical implications. OSF Preprints. [Preprint]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/5jg2p.
Anunciacao, L., Squires, J., & Landiera-Fernadez, J. (2018). A longitudinal study of child development in children enrolled in Brazilian public daycare centers. Global Journal of Educational Studies, 4, (1), 31-42.
Anunciacao, L., Chen, C., Squires, J. & Landiera-Fernandez, J. (2018). Screening for social emotional delays in young children who live in poverty: A Brazilian example. Journal of Childhood and Developmental Disorders, 4(25), 1-8.
Chen, C., Chen, C-I., Xie, H., & Squires, J., (2018). Using differential item functioning to examine the gender difference in social-emotional competence of infants and young children. Bulletin in Early Intervention: 1(1) (2018:06), 1-22
Chen, C, Xie, H., Clifford, J., Chen, C-I, & Squires, J. (2018). Examining internal structures of a developmental measure using multidimensional item response theory. Journal of Early Intervention 40(4), 287-303.
Frantz, R., Squires, J., Hansen, S., & Machalicek, W., (2018). Families as partners: Supporting family resiliency through early intervention. Infants & Young Children, 31(1), 3-19.
Hansen, S., Raulston, T., Machalicek, W., Frantz, R., Drew, C., Erturk B., & Squires, J. (2018). Peer-mediated joint attention intervention in the preschool classroom. Journal of Special Education, DOI: 10.1177/00224669.
Otalvaro, A., Granana, N., Gateo, N., Torres, M., Zamblera, M., Vasconez, M., Misentaa, C Dra. Rouviera, M., & Squires J. (2018). ASQ-3: Validation of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire for the detection of neurodevelopmental disorders in Argentine children. Archives of Argentina Pediatrics, 116, (1), 7-13.
Squires, J. (2018). The importance of early identification and intervention for problem behaviors: A linked systems approach for social emotional early learning. Korean Journal of Special Education. http://dx.doi.org/10.21509/KJYS.2018.