Research News

That was the case even though the children were raised by adoptive — not birth — parents
In the latest edition of Research Briefly, Professor of Education Studies Jenefer Husman, PhD, talks about her research and involvement in the Oregon Pathways to Industry Research Careers (OPIRC).
New research by doctoral candidate Lauren Berny shows that teachers, parents and friends can make a difference by reaching out to high-risk teens.
Stephanie Shire, PhD, associate professor of Early Childhood Special Education at UO, focuses her current research on young children with autism and their families.
New research suggests that adolescence is the crucial intervention point for steering young women away from the criminal justice system. Leslie Leve, PhD, and Maria Schweer-Collins, PhD, involved in research.
Professor Samantha Shune, PhD, an expert on aging and mealtime, troubleshoots this frequent problem of dementia.
In the latest edition of Research Briefly, we talk with Dean Laura Lee McIntyre, who discusses an NIH funded study that looks at the long-term effects of COVID-related school closures. Research Briefly is dedicated to highlighting remarkable research and grant awards within the COE.
Senior Scientist John Seeley, PhD, who is also a professor and associate dean for research in prevention science and special education at the UO, is a co-investigator on the project at the Oregon Research Institute.
Evergreen Associate Professors Elizabeth Budd and Nichole Kelly's research is dedicated to finding new ways to support health promotion. The pair recently launched ReDefine Health Promotion LLC, to help organizations promote health in a body-size inclusive way.
In the latest edition of our Research Briefly video series we talk with Communication Disorders and Sciences Professor Samantha Shune, PhD, who discuses swallowing impairment and caregiver burden. Research Briefly is dedicated to highlighting remarkable research and grant awards within the COE.