College of Education News

Day Hancock-Murphy, a graduate student in the Couples and Family Therapy Program at the College of Education, was awarded the prestigious American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Minority Fellowship for the upcoming year.
Leilani Sabzalian, of the College of Education, is a national leader in Indigenous education
According to the U.S. Department of Education, enrollment of English learners in K-12 has increased by more than 1 million, representing 5.3 million students in U.S. public schools. Professor Lillian Durán, PhD, authored the article.
In a new working paper from the Annenberg Institute, researchers analyze data from Tennessee, New York, and Oregon to understand if recent studies are accurately quantifying the impact of school leadership on student outcomes. David D. Liebowitz. PhD, EPoL is a co-author.
Karrie Walters, PhD saw a need to make diagnostic services more accessible in Eugene and launched a comprehensive diagnostic clinical service in 2019 to assess a range of learning, attention and developmental disorders. Carrie has a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Oregon.
A grant will help design a system of assessment and intervention in high schools
The online program offers graduates a competitive edge in multiple fields
A new study at the University of Oregon is seeking to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on the South Asian imm
The award honors a COE alumna and donor; the exhibit will be on display through December
A College of Education workshop aimed to balance climate fears with hope