FHS Alumni Success Stories

Meet alumni Josh Gotlib, MS, LPC, CADC III, a double duck whose drive to help others led him to opening two businesses to serve his community, through our Alumni Spotlight series.
Meet Jocelyn Sanchez, a Family and Human Services alumna whose passion for advocating for social justice and equality has led her to serve students at a local school district, through our Alumni Spotlight series.
Randi Ross, BS ‘21 Family and Human Services, is passionate about child abuse prevention. Her personal experience as a survivor led to her pursuing a degree at the UO to serve the community as a social worker, but she discovered a love of research and prevention.
Meet Samantha May, '16, a Family and Human Services program alumna, through our Alumni Spotlight series.
Learn more about Remington Slicker, '21, a Family and Human Services program alumna, through our Alumni Spotlight series.