Featured Alumni

the Oregon Duck and a recent graduate of the College of Education
students on graduation day

Sometimes life can take you in unexpected directions. That was the case for Betty Campbell-Ross, MS ‘15 Communication Disorders & Sciences.
Carol Yetter, BS ‘65 Speech, comes from a legacy of Ducks; her great-grandfather graduated in the first four-year class, and both her late husband and her children attended the University of Oregon.
For Ducks Ross and Kayla Krempley, a mutual love of track and a love story that begun in a chilly cooldown tub at Hayward Field. Ross graduated in 2001 with a degree in psychology and 2002 with a master’s in educational leadership.
For Bryan Rojas-Arauz, MS ‘19 Counseling, Family & Human Services, PhD ‘21 Counseling Psychology, what was supposed to be a six-month stay in the US instead became a new home.
Discovering a love of scholarship and research, Mavis completed their master’s degree in prevention science at the College of Education and is currently working towards a PhD in the same program.
When Chieh-Yu “Tom” Chen (PhD ‘17 Special Education) came to the United States from Taiwan to pursue his PhD, he was faced with adjusting to a new language and culture.