Learn more about Dana Cohen Lissman, MS, BCBA, a PhD candidate in Special Education
Quick Facts
Hometown: Originally Tel Aviv, Israel
What are you studying? Special education. My dissertation is devoted to creating a competency list of diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion for preservice behavior analysts by obtaining experts’ consensus in the field of applied behavior analysis.
Favorite books or movies: Book: Winnie the Pooh, Movie: Dumbo
Hobbies: Hiking, theater, musicals
Favorite place in Eugene: Mount Pisgah
Why did you choose UO and/or your program or major?
I am a former duck; I graduated with my master’s in early intervention in 2010. Having a wonderful experience in the department of special education it was a natural choice to come back for the PhD.
What is your most memorable experience at the College of Education?
Being a member of the student group, titled Students of Underrepresented Race, Culture and Ethnicity (SOURCE). Specifically, the online exhibition we launched in Spring 2021 that allowed students and faculty to share their experiences of microaggressions. The exhibit included over 15 submissions and elicited important conversations among students and faculty in follow up sessions that were conducted. I am also a proud advocate for international students and have mentored numerous students through the program. These relationships have been impactful for my experience.
What are your plans after graduation?
Use my skills to improve the training of special education practitioners, establish authentic family-school partnerships, and prompt equity for students from marginalized groups.
What impact do you hope to make in your future career?
I hope to impact the relationship between families of students with disabilities, in particular students at the intersection of race and disability, and schools.
Do you have any advice for prospective students?
Invest in creating a community. Relationships, belonging, and community are the secret for having a successful graduate school experience.
Social Media Handle (if applicable): @DanaLissman