Randy Kamphaus
Ph.D., 1983, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Major: Educational Psychology (APA Approved, School)
Major Professor: John D. Nolan
M.A., 1976, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL
Major: General Psychology
B.A., 1974, Quincy University, Quincy, IL
Major: Psychology, Minor: Education (Secondary Social Studies Teaching Certificate)
Honors and Awards
2017 Honorary Professor of the Psychology Career, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Peru
2015 Alumni of Distinction Award, Graduate School, University of Georgia
2013 Senior Scientist Award, Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association
2008 Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award, College of Education, University of Georgia
2004 Distinguished Research Professorship, University of Georgia
2003 Russell H. Yeany Research Award, University of Georgia, College of Education
Kim, J., & Kamphaus, R.W. (2017). Investigation of Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance by Gender for the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Among High School Students. Psychological Assessment, 29, 1-10. http://dx.doi.org.libproxy.uoregon.edu/10.1037/pas0000469
Bradstreet, L. E., Juechter, J. I., Kamphaus, R. W., Kerns, C. M., & Robins, D. L. (2017). Using the BASC-2 parent rating scales to screen for autism spectrum disorder in toddlers and preschool-aged children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 359-370.
Dowdy, E., Harrell-Williams, L., Dever, B., Furlong, M., Moore, S., Raines, T., & Kamphaus, R.W. (in press). Predictive Validity of a Student Self-Report Screener of Behavioral and Emotional Risk in an Urban High School. School Psychology Review, 45, 2016, 458-476.
Kamphaus, R. W., & Reynolds, C. R. (2015). Behavior Assessment System for Children – Third Edition (BASC-3): Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS). Bloomington, MN: Pearson.
Harrell-Williams, L. M.; Raines, T. C.; Kamphaus, R. W.; Dever, B. (2015) Psychometric analysis of the BASC–2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) student form: Results from high school student samples. Psychological Assessment, 27, 738-743. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas0000079
Professor Kamphaus is now focusing his research and development work on prevention of child mental health problems in schools with some of his former students and post-doctoral trainees Drs. Erin Dowdy (University of California - Santa Barbara), Bridget Dever (Lehigh University), Jihe Kim (Kennesaw State University) and Leigh Michelle Harrell-Williams (University of Memphis), and long-term colleague Dr. Christine DiStefano (University of South Carolina). he is designing and evaluating universal screening to detect children with behavioral and emotional risk, deliver evidence-based preventive interventions, and conducting research on the epidemiology of children with subsyndromal/subclinical symptomatology with the aim of informing policies and practices that will mitigate risk of developing a mental health disorder..