Sarah Falcon
Sarah (Fairbanks) Falcon, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the School Psychology program and licensed School Psychologist. She teaches courses in assessment and consultation. Dr. Falcon’s former roles include Behavior specialist, Literacy coach, Case Supervisor, and Program Coordinator. Dr. Falcon works with several National and State level organizations as well as District and School-level teams to provided technical assistance on preventative systems and practices. Dr. Falcon’s research focuses on multi-tiered systems of support and positive behavior support, equity in school resources, alternatives to exclusionary discipline, culturally responsive practices, classroom management, and addressing chronic absence in schools.
2008 Master of Science in School Psychology, University of Oregon
2007 Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, University of Connecticut
2005 Master of Science in Special Education, University of Oregon
2000 Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science, University of Washington
Honors and Awards
Wallace S. Moreland Memorial Fund (2007)
Carnegie Foundation Teachers for a New Era Research Award (2007)
University of Connecticut Dissertation Award (2007)
Lisa Pappanikou Gliden Scholarship (2006)
Susan Hope Sherman School of Education Scholarship (2006)
Bastable, E., Meng, P., Falcon, S.F., & McIntosh, K. (2023). Using an embedded mixed methods design to assess and improve intervention acceptability of an equity-focused intervention: A methodological demonstration. Behavioral Disorders, 48(3), 201-211.
Gion, C. M., McIntosh, K., & Falcon, S.F. (2022). Effects of a multicomponent classroom intervention on equity in school discipline. School Psychology Review, 51(1), 67-83. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2020.1788906
Bastable, E., McIntosh, K., Falcon, S.F., & Meng, P. (2022). Exploring educators’ commitment to racial equity in school discipline practices: A qualitative study of critical incidents. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 32(2), 125-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/10474412.2021.1889194
McIntosh, K., Girvan, E. J., Falcon, S.F., Santiago-Rosario, M. R., McDaniel, S. C., Izzard, S., Bastable, E., Nese, R. N. T., & Baldy, T. S. (2021). An equity-focused PBIS approach reduces racial inequities in school discipline: A randomized controlled trial. School Psychology, 36(6), 433-444.
Brahim, N., Falcon, S.F., La Salle, T., Leverson, M., Martinez, S. McDaniel, S., McIntosh, K., Payno-Simmons, R., Robers, A., Sandomierski, T., Reina Santiago-Rosario, M.R., Smith, K., & Yanek, K. (2021). Discussing race, racism, and important current events with students: A guide with lesson plans and resources. Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support. (author order alphabetical) https://www.pbis.org/resource/discussing-race-racism-and-important-current-events-with-students-a-guide-with-lesson-plans-and-resources
Bastable, E., Falcon, S. F., Nese, R., Meng, P., & McIntosh, K. (2021). Enhancing school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports tier 1 core practices to improve disciplinary equity. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 65(4), 283–290. https://doi.org/10.1080/1045988x.2021.1937020
McIntosh, K., Baldy, T.S., Santiago-Rosario, M.R., Bastable, E., Fairbanks Falcon, S., McDaniel, S.C, & Girvan, E. (2022). Designing Educational Interventions to Advance Social Justice. In: Gage, N., Rapa, L.J., Whitford, D.K., Katsiyannis, A. (eds) Disproportionality and Social Justice in Education. Springer Series on Child and Family Studies. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13775-4_14
McIntosh, K., Girvan, E.J., McDaniel, S.C., Santiago-Rosario, M.R., St. Joseph, S., Falcon, S., Izzard, S., & Bastable, E. (2021). Effects of an equity-focused PBIS approach to school improvement on exclusionary discipline and school climate. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 65(4), 354-361.
Bastable, E., Falcon, S. F., McDaniel, S. C., McIntosh, K., & Santiago-Rosario, M. R. (2021). Understanding Educators’ Implementation of an Equity-Focused PBIS Intervention: A Qualitative Study of Critical Incidents. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 23(4), 220–231. https://doi.org/10.1177/10983007211008847
Bastable, E., McIntosh, K., Falcon, S.F., & Meng, P. (2021). Exploring educators' commitment to racial equity: A qualitative study of critical incidents. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. https://doi.org/10.1080/10474412.2021.1881905
Bastable, E., Meng, P., Falcon, S.F., & McIntosh, K. (2019). Using an Embedded Mixed Methods Design to Assess and Improve Intervention Acceptability of an Equity-Focused Intervention: A Methodological Demonstration. Behavioral Disorders, 48(3), 201–211. https://doi.org/10.1177/0198742919880486
Falcon, S., & Perry, S. (2016). Chroic absenteeism statewide plan. Oregon Department of Education, Salem, OR. https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/healthsafety/Documents/Oregon%20Chronic%20Absenteeism%20State%20Plan.pdf
Rodriguez, B., Campbell., A, Falcon, S.F., & Borgmeier, C. (2014). Examination of critical features and lessons learned for implementation of a Tier 2 intervention system for social Behavior. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.
Simonsen, B., Little, C., & Fairbanks, S. (2010). Task difficulty, attention, and student behavior: A study of student behavioral response during differentiated tasks. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 34, 245-260.
Fairbanks, S., Simonsen, B. M., & Sugai, G. (2008). Class-wide secondary and tertiary tier practices and supports.Teaching Exceptional Children, Special Issue: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, 40, 44-52.
Fairbanks, S.A. (2008). Token economy. In C.R. Reynolds, E., & Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education. New York: Wiley.
Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D., & Sugai, G. (2008). Evidence based practices in classroom management: Considerations for research to practice. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 351-380.
Simonsen, B., Sugai, G., & Fairbanks, S. (2007). School-wide positive behavior support: Preventing the development and occurrence of problem behavior. In S. W. Evans, Z. Serpell, & M. Weist (Eds.), Advances in school-based mental health, volume 2 (pp. 8.1–8.17). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.
Fairbanks, S.A., Sugai, G., Guardino, D., & Lathrop, M. (2007). A social behavior response to intervention process applied at the second grade classroom level. Exceptional Children.
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) Juvenile Justice Tools Workgroup Website Publication for the National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice (EDJJ): Tools for Promoting Educational Success and Reducing Delinquency (2007). Fairbanks, S.A., Myers, D., & Simonsen, B. Error correction; Fairbanks, S.A., Simonsen, B., & Myers, D. Praise;
Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., & Sugai, G. (2006). Classroom management self-assessment revised. Retrieved from https://www.pbis.org/resource/positive-behavior-support-classroom-management-self-assessment