Profile picture of Megan Cave

Megan Cave

Senior Research Assistant II
College of Education
Phone: 541-346-2421
Office: 209 EMPL


As a communication specialist in Educational and Community Supports’ marketing and communication team, Megan Cave spends a lot of time with words. ECS is the maker of a suite of online applications schools use to monitor the way they’re creating positive change in their buildings and for the students they support. Megan is the writer behind the user manuals, scripted video tutorials, and news articles surrounding these applications. To further ECS’ research mission, she writes a monthly article for Teach by Design where she takes complex research findings and translates them into straight-forward solutions everyone can understand.

As a Duck alum, and a member of the University of Oregon faculty, Megan was compelled to start running in 2008. She has completed four half marathons – three of which happened unintentionally – and in all likelihood, will run another in the future.


B. A., 2004, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Major: Journalism (emphasis in magazine), Minor: Spanish