Profile picture of Caroline MaGee

Caroline MaGee

Senior Research Assistant II
College of Education
Phone: 541-346-0352
Office: 204 CSB
Research Interests: Secondary Special Education and Transition Program


Caroline Augusté MaGee, M.Ed. is a Senior Research Assistant IIProject Coordinator, and Technical Assistance Provider with the Secondary Special Education and Transition unit in the College of Education, University of Oregon.

Previously, Caroline served as Technical Assistance Project Manager with Technical Assistance and Consulting Services and the Western Regional Resource Center in the College of Education, providing states and Pacific entities technical assistance that afforded access to special education policy, technology, and evidence-based research.

Her current projects include the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) and an IES Goal 3 grant, Project Ready for WAGES (Research on Employment of Adjudicated Youth through Working at Gaining Employment Social Skills Curriculum).



IAL, 2012, University of Oregon
Initial Administrator License

M.Ed., 1999, University of Oregon
Master of Education, Middle/Secondary Teacher Licensure Program, Language of Arts Endorsement

BA, 1989, State University of New York, College at Purchase, English


K Unruh, Deanne & Gagnon, Joseph & MaGee, Caroline. (2018). Community Reintegration for Young Offenders in the United States of America.


Ready to Work: Research on Employment of Adjudicated Youth through Working at Gaining Employment Social Skills Curriculum; Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Goal 3 efficacy trial to test the effectiveness of a research-based social skills curriculum to promote positive employment-related skills and outcomes for incarcerated juvenile offenders with disabilities in long-term facilities.

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT). Jointly funded Office of Special Education Programs and Rehabilitation Services grant providing technical assistance to State Education Agencies, Local Education Agencies, State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies, and VR service providers in implementing evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment.