Heidi von Ravensberg
Heidi von Ravensberg has served as a Research Associate for the University of Oregon College of Education for most of her academic career. She serves as legal researcher for the Educational and Community Supports unit which houses the U.S. Department of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Technical Assistance Center. For the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, under the Center on Human Development, Heidi served as Co-Coordinator with Deborah Olson and later as Coordinator of the Disability Studies Initiative working to establish a degree program in Disability Studies. Her present activities for the UCEDD/CHD include serving as Coordinator of Special Projects to establish and coordinate the Interdisciplinary Disability Research Council. Her activities also include teaching disability law at the School of Law and increasing accessibility to digital information and the built environment for persons with disabilities along with building awareness of the rights of service animals to access public spaces.
With regard to service to her profession, Heidi von Ravensberg is a member of the Oregon State Bar and has served as Chair of the OSB Disability Law Section. At the UO, she serves as a member of the CHD’s Community Advisory Council, a member of the UO Disability Studies Minor Program Board of Directors and as a member of the Disabilities Issues Administrative Council. Appointted by Gov. Kitzhaber, she served as the UO UCEDD representative on the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities. She has served as a member of the Oregon Department of Education’s State Advisory Council on Special Education.
Masters of Business Administration, 1995, University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business, Eugene, Oregon
(Focus: Marketing)
Doctorate of Juris Prudence, 1994, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon
(Comprehensive Writing Requirement: Special Needs Trusts)
Bachelor of Science, 1990, University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business, Eugene, Oregon
(Major: Marketing, Secondary Area: Descision Sciences)
von Ravensberg, H., (2018) [in press]. Achieving Equity: A Formula that Works. American School Boards Journal. Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.
von Ravensberg, H. & Blakely, A. (2017). Guidance for States on ESSA State Plans: Aligning the School Climate Indicator and SW-PBIS. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, www.pbis.org
von Ravensberg, H. & Nese, R. (2016). Feature: Off-Campus Cyberbullying: Families Matter. Principal Leadership, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 40-43. May 2016.
von Ravensberg, H., & Blakely, A. (2015). When to Use Functional Behavioral Assessment? A State-by-State Analysis of the Law. Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. www.pbis.org
von Ravensberg, H., & Blakely, A. (2014). When to Use Functional Behavioral Assessment? Best Practice vs. Legal Guidance. Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. www.pbis.org.
Heidi von Ravensberg’s legal research focus is in the areas of state, district, and school use of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, including functional behavioral assessment and manifestation determination, pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and ensuring equity in discipline and improving safety and learning pursuant to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and its subsequent reauthorizations. Her legal research interests also include the reduction and prevention of bullying.