Amanda Montoya
Amanda Montoya is a Clinical Supervisor in the Clinic for Acquired Adult Language and Motor Speech Disorders (CAALMS) at the University of Oregon's Speech-Language-Hearing Center. While working as a preschool teacher, Amanda was inspired to change careers after observing a SLP foster the communication skills a couple of her little students needed to turn wild and wordless tantrums into, “Help, please.” She is now a medical Speech-Language Pathologist who has worked with a diverse range of patient populations in outpatient, inpatient, and hospital acute care settings. She specializes in rehabilitation to adults with swallowing, communication, and cognitive disorders from a variety of etiologies including stroke, traumatic brain injury, head and neck cancer, GERD/esophageal disorders, and Parkinson’s disease. In addition to her UO supervisory role, she currently provides SLP services for private practice Eugene Speech Therapy as well as at the Oregon Rehabilitation Center, an inpatient rehabilitation center specializing in stroke recovery in Eugene, Oregon. Amanda firmly believes that eating, thinking, and communicating are some of the very basic gifts that make us wonderfully human and finds it an honor to work alongside graduate student clinicians for her alma mater to help people in the surrounding community lead better lives. When she is not providing SLP services, you can find Amanda whipping up a good meal in the kitchen, on a yoga mat, or biking around town with her wonderful husband.
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Certificate of Clinical Competence, 2016-current
Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, Oregon Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 2016-current
SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd trained Provider, Parkinson Voice Project, 2021
Registered MBSimP Clinician, Northern Speech Services, 2020
Basic Life Support for Health Providers Certified, American Heart Association, 2020-current
Master of Science, Communication Disorders and Sciences University of Oregon, Eugene OR 6/2015
Bachelor of Science, Human Development and Family Studies Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO 5/2009