Student Spotlight: Cedar O'Konski

image of student Cedar O’Konski standing in Lokey courtyard

Learn more about Cedar O’Konski, a Communication Disorders and Sciences major at the College of Education.

Quick Facts

Pronouns: They/them
Hometown: Palo Alto, California
What are you studying?
Communication Disorders and Sciences (major), Creative Writing (minor). I’m also the president of American Sign Language Club, and I’m about to defend my Clark Honors College thesis on the intelligibility of American Sign Language dialogue in popular media.
Favorite books or movies:
Movies: Spirited Away, Jurassic Park, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Books: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, Anathem by Neal Stevenson, Watership Down by Richard Adams

Hobbies: Hiking, reading, writing, and playing D&D with my friends.
Favorite place in Eugene: Lately, I’ve really been enjoying going on walks in Alton Baker Park! :)

Why did you choose UO and/or your program or major?

I’m interested in linguistics, working with kids, and American Sign Language. My major is a great way for me to combine all three into a career that I’m really excited about.

What is your most memorable experience at the College of Education?

So hard to choose just one! My top three: going to Donuts for Ducks with my friends, holding a super sweet 9-month-old baby during her hearing test while I was doing observational hours in the audiology clinic, and acing my neuroanatomy class last term.

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be continuing at UO for the next two years in the Communication Disorders and Sciences master’s program. After that, I will become a certified speech-language pathologist.

What impact do you hope to make in your future career?

I would like to work as a speech-language pathologist with d/Deaf and hard of hearing kids, using both English and ASL.

Do you have any advice for prospective students?

You don’t have to know what you’re doing right away! I was an undeclared major until the end of my second year. The beginning of undergrad is for exploring all the things you’re interested in—take all the classes that sound interesting, get to know the professors you like, take advantage of all the awesome clubs and other opportunities on campus. You’ll find the right path for you.